Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Searching for my IA...

I was searching information for my philosophy IA when I found this:
According to the philosopher Jacques Derrida if there is a possibility that the language, expressions and performative utterance get repeated by anyone over and over again, this includes the possibility of their deviation from their ´intensive meaning in linguistic´. For example, given that the word `mother` has being use extensively since its creation, there is a possibility that it lost its initial meaning as a word. This possibility is call iterability.
 The major quality of this iterability is that language is decentralized. Language does not necessary consist in the communication of true and false statements. It rather undergoes transformation with every repetition of its different configurations. For example, Judith Butler uses this idea to say that the performative of our sexual identity cannot be understood outside of a process of iterability which also involves a regularized and constrained repetition of norms. However, this repetition is not done by the person rather this repetition is what enables the person and constitutes its temporal condition for its sexual identity. Therefore, iterability implies that this performance is not a single act but a `ritualized` production under the forces of prohibition and controlling norms given by the understanding of the ´intensive meaning´ of that performance at the moment that it is exercised. That means that what we understand from something is different from its real meaning. Does it sound absurd? May be not absurd not should I say wear? To think that what we thing of something is not necessary what its original meaning was? Of course, this explains many things as for example the different conceptions of the same thing that can exit in different cultures. However, it will be almost quite impossible to demonstrate what the ‘real’ meaning of something is.

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